Censorship may be the biggest downfall and professional risk of Facebook. Not only is it risky to put forth trust in the person who is updating a Facebook page on behalf of an organization as a whole, it is extremely difficult to micromanage the information being posted because social media is updated frequently. This poses a potential threat to proper damage control if something is said by “the corporation” and not well received by the general public or Facebook population. On the other hand, companies take the risk of letting “friends” or “fans” post negative feedback. For example, food corporation NestlĂ© USA took a hit on their fan page when fans posted critical comments that included NestlĂ©’s own logo regarding their non-eco friendly use of palm oil in their products. In this situation, the corporation risked its positive image because it was unable to control what people where saying about them.
Legal aspects of Facebook usage are another important issue that many do not consider. Since social media is a relatively new resource, especially in the corporate sphere, there are not many laws that govern its usage. Since posts, comments, and statuses are uncensored there is a greater chance that something will be said that offends a corporation who has the ability to sue for things such as copy write infringement, defamation, or false advertising/ accusations. There also arises the issue of how to document these accusations or even keep a record of Facebook. For example some metro cities are hesitant of Facebook usage for these exact reasons. An article in the Startribune explains why the cities of St. Louis Park and Blaine are taking extra precautions in the management of their Facebook pages.
Lastly, some believe that personal and corporate use of Facebook is not a good mix. Before social networking sites became popular, there was strong emphasis on separating one’s personal life from work. Now with the corporate use of Facebook rising, CEOs of corporations are being critically watched on their personal pages. PRWeek published an article about how senior national journalist Neil Midgley believes there is a fine line between posting information about your personal life and posting information about your work on your personal Facebook page.
By taking these three risks of Facebook in consideration, corporations, organizations, and government affiliations that maintain Facebook pages can strive for a safer way to represent themselves in the free world of Facebook.
Marissa Zakheim
University of Minnesota
Jour 3279
Blog Assignment
Marissa Zakheim
University of Minnesota
Jour 3279
Blog Assignment