Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The risks of Facebook are often overlooked.

Facebook has undoubtedly changed how various corporations, organizations, and even government affiliations communicate with the general public. With over 400 million active users, it has become an ideal resource for conglomerates, non-profits, and the government who utilize the social media site daily to gain interest in whatever their cause may be. Many overlook the unfavorable risks of Facebook usage, but there are some organizations that are stepping down from their pages due to Facebook’s permissive and relaxed nature as well as ambiguous legalities that arise is unfavorable situations.

Censorship may be the biggest downfall and professional risk of Facebook. Not only is it risky to put forth trust in the person who is updating a Facebook page on behalf of an organization as a whole, it is extremely difficult to micromanage the information being posted because social media is updated frequently. This poses a potential threat to proper damage control if something is said by “the corporation” and not well received by the general public or Facebook population. On the other hand, companies take the risk of letting “friends” or “fans” post negative feedback. For example, food corporation NestlĂ© USA took a hit on their fan page when fans posted critical comments that included NestlĂ©’s own logo regarding their non-eco friendly use of palm oil in their products. In this situation, the corporation risked its positive image because it was unable to control what people where saying about them.

Legal aspects of Facebook usage are another important issue that many do not consider.  Since social media is a relatively new resource, especially in the corporate sphere, there are not many laws that govern its usage. Since posts, comments, and statuses are uncensored there is a greater chance that something will be said that offends a corporation who has the ability to sue for things such as copy write infringement, defamation, or false advertising/ accusations. There also arises the issue of how to document these accusations or even keep a record of Facebook. For example some metro cities are hesitant of Facebook usage for these exact reasons. An article in the Startribune explains why the cities of St. Louis Park and Blaine are taking extra precautions in the management of their Facebook pages.

Lastly, some believe that personal and corporate use of Facebook is not a good mix.  Before social networking sites became popular, there was strong emphasis on separating one’s personal life from work. Now with the corporate use of Facebook rising, CEOs of corporations are being critically watched on their personal pages. PRWeek published an article about how senior national journalist Neil Midgley believes there is a fine line between posting information about your personal life and posting information about your work on your personal Facebook page.

By taking these three risks of Facebook in consideration, corporations, organizations, and government affiliations that maintain Facebook pages can strive for a safer way to represent themselves in the free world of Facebook.

Marissa Zakheim
University of Minnesota
Jour 3279
Blog Assignment

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

3 Ways to Make Googles Top 10

How high on the Google list are you? If you are not on the first page, it is time to change that. There are three ways to accomplish this, but first you need to get on the internet, research your name, and see what you are up against.

Don’t worry if you are number 25 or 125 on the Google search, there are three easy steps to follow to fix that so you can be number one, and they are:
  1. Social Media
    Social media is a way to interact with peers as well as professionals. Whether updating a status on Twitter or posting a comment on someone’s wall, there are ways to be noticed, especially if using a form of social media is part of your daily routine. Today, employers look potential interns or employees up on social media sights to get a general idea about the person’s lifestyle, in order to see if he or she would be a good fit for the company. Therefore, make sure all the information on your profile pages is something to be proud, and that it presents you in a positive light.
  2. Pitch Yourself
    Magazines, newspapers, and online publications should all be considered as one more opportunity to gain access to the media. Seek out journalists and reporters looking for people to interview because more than likely there will be a story to contribute to. A simple way to promote yourself is through Twitter, because there is a reporter who posts opportunities multiple times a day. Follow URGHARO, and there will be numerous amounts of opportunities to pitch a story. Pitching yourself is an important aspect of public relations because it is an easy way to be published. Once published use it as a writing sample, or even in your resume.
  3. Blogging
    Blogging is a way to make opinions known. Start a blog and put the link on your social media profile pages, such as Twitter or Facebook. This is a great way for not only your peers to read your writing and thoughts, but potential employers as well. When blogging, make sure you post several times a week in order to keep readers interested. Another way to use blogging as a tool is to be the guest star on your favorite blog. Research a one you love, and submit your post to the writer. Be proud of your blog and tell everyone about it.
Making your name known on the internet will benefit you in the long run, because I guarantee before or after an interview, your future employers will Google you. Promote your name as often as possible. After following these three steps (in no particular order) Google your name again and see how much higher on the list your name is.

Mollie Horton
University of Minnesota
Jour 3279
Blog Assignment