Thursday, June 21, 2007

Intern Diaries

Hello again. I checked out some of the comments from last post and wanted to begin with a disclaimer: Do not try this at home!
Blogging about work can indeed be a risky choice, and many employers do not appreciate their “stuff” being aired over the net. I am certainly not here to expose any corporate misdeeds and I have consulted my manager about this endeavor. For now, I have gotten the O.K. Now that we are clear-

Update Time!

I am really enjoying my internship thus far and am starting to feel as though I can “own” some of the projects I have been assigned. Of course, with most projects come collaborations and with collaborations come compromise or, better-termed – politics. Interns are basically bottom of the totem poll and people are very busy so I thought I may include some tips I have learned thus far about office navigation:

If you are contacting someone you don’t usually work, copy your supervisor on the e-mail. They will be less likely to ignore you if they see a name they know associated with your communications.

Dress professionally and perhaps a bit “old”; people will take you more seriously if you look like they do. (or better)

Make the rounds to all the desks and cubes, introduce yourself and get a few minutes of face time, people will associate a face with your name.

Ask questions! If you aren’t sure how to do something, ask. People are very willing to help you understand and learn. This will keep you out of hot water later.

Take this opportunity to sit in meetings and shadow people outside your direct contacts, this way you gain insight about what other people do and how things operate. Never turn down an opportunity to do anything, you will learn something everywhere you go.

I hope this was not too preachy. For people who maybe heading into their first internship experience, these may help you be a little ahead of the game. For those of you already in an experience, if you have any other hints to add or experiences to share, be my guest!

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