Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Putting Social Media to Practice

For those of us who haven’t been living under a rock for the past 5 years, it is quite evident that social media has become colossal. There is a debate of whether or not social media belongs in Public relations and other facets of a company’s communication plan, but regardless social media is here to stay.

Journalism schools know social media is becoming a vital asset their students need to acquire. On top of students using social media as a communication tool, many public relations courses are integrating Twitter and blogging into course curriculums. All this preparation is great, but what good does it do if you don’t put it to use? Yeah there are the internships, but there’s another way you can use your social media skills to gain valuable experience and probably earn some cash in the process. 

You do not even really have to be an expert in social media to capitalize on this opportunity, just a little ambition and entrepreneurial spirit. Social media guru Chris Brogan reported that the job growth for social media is greatest in small businesses Every community has an array of small businesses, many of these owners would love to build a social media presence for the business they just don’t have the time. That’s where you come in, as a consultant. 

To start out, offer your services for free to a relative or family friend’s small business just to gain experience and build a small portfolio. Once you’ve gotten your feet wet search your community, my suggestion is to start with restaurants, their most applicable. Make a name for your company even if you’re the only employee, it will make sound a little more professional. Then you can begin to sell your services, offer to build the business a campaign on Four Square or a presence on Facebook. 

Once you have established yourself the possibilities are endless. The hardest part is going to be starting out, but once you’ve taken off it will only be a matter of time before small businesses are seeking you out.
Here are a few tips on starting your social media venture
  1. Preach results- Many small business owners know what social media is, but do not know the advantages of establishing a presence in social media.
  2. Only Charge a small fee, then set up a pay scale where you get paid more for achievements related to you work. Ex: Bonus for 100 fans on Facebook.
  3. Try and stick to service oriented businesses, easier to track and prove results.
Christopher Herkenhoff
University of Minnesota
Jour 3279
Blog Assignment 

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